package libai.nn.supervised.backpropagation;
import libai.common.Shuffler;
import libai.common.matrix.Column;
import libai.common.matrix.Matrix;
import libai.nn.NeuralNetwork;
* Created by kronenthaler on 18/01/2017.
public class MomentumBackpropagation extends StandardBackpropagation {
private double beta;
public MomentumBackpropagation(double beta) {
if (beta < 0 || beta >= 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("beta should be positive and less than 1");
this.beta = beta;
public void train(Column[] patterns, Column[] answers, double alpha, int epochs, int offset, int length, double minerror) {
Shuffler shuffler = new Shuffler(length, NeuralNetwork.getDefaultRandomGenerator());
double error = nn.error(patterns, answers, offset, length);
Matrix e = new Matrix(answers[0].getRows(), answers[0].getColumns());
Matrix temp3;
Matrix Wprev[] = new Matrix[layers];
Matrix bprev[] = new Matrix[layers];//momemtum
for (int i = 1; i < layers; i++) {
Wprev[i] = new Matrix(nperlayer[i], nperlayer[i - 1]);
bprev[i] = new Column(nperlayer[i]);
for (int currentEpoch = 0; currentEpoch < epochs && error > minerror; currentEpoch++) {
//shuffle patterns
int[] sort = shuffler.shuffle();
error = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
nn.simulate(patterns[sort[i] + offset]);
answers[sort[i] + offset].subtract(Y[layers - 1], e);
//calculate the error
for (int m = 0; m < nperlayer[layers - 1]; m++) {
error += (e.position(m, 0) * e.position(m, 0));
//d[0] = F0'(<W[i],Y[i-1]>).e
for (int j = 0; j < u[layers - 1].getRows(); j++) {
d[layers - 1].position(j, 0, -2 * alpha * func[layers - 1].getDerivate().eval(u[layers - 1].position(j, 0)) * e.position(j, 0));
for (int k = layers - 2; k > 0; k--) {
for (int j = 0; j < u[k].getRows(); j++) {
double acum = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < W[k + 1].getRows(); t++) {
acum += W[k + 1].position(t, j) * d[k + 1].position(t, 0);
d[k].position(j, 0, alpha * acum * func[k].getDerivate().eval(u[k].position(j, 0)));
for (int l = 1; l < layers; l++) {
Y[l - 1].transpose(Yt[l - 1]);
temp3 = new Matrix(d[l].getRows(), Y[l - 1].getRows());
d[l].multiply(1 - beta, d[l]); //(1-beta)*alpha.d[i]
d[l].multiply(Yt[l - 1], temp3); //(1-beta)*alpha.d[i].Y[i-1]^t
//W[i]=W[i] + beta*(W[i]-Wprev[i]) - (1-beta)*alpha.d[i].Y[i-1]^t
W[l].subtractAndCopy(Wprev[l], M[l], Wprev[l]);//(W[i]-Wprev[i]), WPrev[l]=W[l]
M[l].multiplyAndAdd(beta, W[l], W[l]);//W[i] + beta*(W[i]-Wprev[i])
W[l].subtract(temp3, W[l]); //W[i] + beta*(W[i]-Wprev[i]) - (1-beta)*alpha.d[i].Y[i-1]^t
temp3 = null;
temp3 = new Matrix(b[l].getRows(), b[l].getColumns());
//B[i]=B[i]+ beta*(B[i]-Bprev[i]) - (1-beta)*alpha.d[i];
b[l].subtractAndCopy(bprev[l], temp3, bprev[l]);//(B[i]-Bprev[i]), Bprev[l] = B[l]
temp3.multiplyAndAdd(beta, b[l], b[l]);//B[i] + beta*(B[i]-Bprev[i])
b[l].subtract(d[l], b[l]); //B[i] + beta*(B[i]-Bprev[i]) - (1-beta)*alpha.d[i]
temp3 = null;
error /= length;
if (nn.getPlotter() != null) {
nn.getPlotter().setError(currentEpoch, error);
if (nn.getProgressBar() != null) {