package libai.fuzzy;
import libai.common.Pair;
import libai.fuzzy.operators.activation.ActivationMethod;
import libai.fuzzy.operators.AndMethod;
import libai.fuzzy.operators.Operator;
import libai.fuzzy.operators.OrMethod;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import java.util.*;
* Created by kronenthaler on 30/04/2017.
public class RuleBase implements XMLSerializer {
private String name;
private ActivationMethod activationMethod = ActivationMethod.MIN; // implication method
private Operator andMethod = AndMethod.MIN; //operator to be used as default (mostly for systems that edit the files)
private Operator orMethod = OrMethod.MAX; //operator to be used as default (mostly for systems that edit the files)
private List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
public RuleBase(Node xmlNode) {
public RuleBase(String name, Rule... rules) { = name;
this.rules = Arrays.asList(rules);
public RuleBase(String name, ActivationMethod activationMethod, Rule... rules) {
this(name, rules);
this.activationMethod = activationMethod;
public RuleBase(String name, ActivationMethod activationMethod, Operator andMethod, Operator orMethod, Rule... rules) {
this(name, activationMethod, rules);
this.andMethod = andMethod;
this.orMethod = orMethod;
public String toXMLString(String indent) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.append(String.format("%s<RuleBase name=\"%s\" type=\"mamdani\" activationMethod=\"%s\" andMethod=\"%s\" orMethod=\"%s\">%n", indent, getName(), activationMethod, andMethod, orMethod));
for (Rule r : rules) {
str.append(String.format("%s%n", r.toXMLString(indent + "\t")));
str.append(String.format("%s</RuleBase>", indent));
return str.toString();
public void load(Node xmlNode) {
//throw unsupported exception if type is not mamdani
NamedNodeMap attributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
name = attributes.getNamedItem("name").getTextContent();
String type = attributes.getNamedItem("type").getTextContent();
if ("tsk".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TSK is not supported yet");
if (attributes.getNamedItem("activationMethod") != null) {
activationMethod = ActivationMethod.fromString(attributes.getNamedItem("activationMethod").getTextContent());
if (attributes.getNamedItem("andMethod") != null) {
andMethod = AndMethod.fromString(attributes.getNamedItem("andMethod").getTextContent());
if (attributes.getNamedItem("orMethod") != null) {
orMethod = OrMethod.fromString(attributes.getNamedItem("orMethod").getTextContent());
NodeList children = ((Element) xmlNode).getElementsByTagName("Rule");
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
rules.add(new Rule(children.item(i)));
public Map<String, Double> fire(Map<String, Double> variables, KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase, double delta) {
Map<String, List<Pair<Double, Clause>>> outputVariables = new HashMap<>();
for (Rule r : rules) {
double tau = r.getActivationValue(variables, knowledgeBase);
for (Clause clause : r.getConsequentClauses()) {
String variableName = clause.getVariableName();
if (outputVariables.get(variableName) == null) {
outputVariables.put(variableName, new ArrayList<>());
outputVariables.get(variableName).add(new Pair<>(tau, clause));
Map<String, Double> result = new HashMap<>();
for (String variableName : outputVariables.keySet()) {
FuzzyVariable variable = knowledgeBase.getVariable(variableName);
double value = variable.defuzzify(activationMethod, knowledgeBase, delta, outputVariables.get(variableName));
result.put(variableName, value);
return result;
public String getName() {
return name;